Documentation Overview
Welcome to the technical documentation for Vim's "Diagnosis Gaps" and "Care Gaps" API integration.
This documentation serves as a guide for developers aiming to integrate their systems with Diagnosis Gaps and Care Gaps applications. Both of these applications help providers identify gaps in patient care, and address them directly from the point of care.
Request Flow
Firstly, it is important to understand the flow and order of requests:
Patient Matching:
- The integration begins with an eligibility request. This request aims to determine whether a given patient is eligible or not (ie patient has been matched on the customer's side and has relevant data to query).
- The information used to identify the patient is extracted from the EHR session.
- If the patient is deemed eligible, the system returns a token or ID, which serves as input for subsequent requests.
Get Gaps Request:
- Following a successful eligibility check, the next step is to fetch all gaps of a certain kind (Diagnosis or Care) for the identified patient.
- We expect this endpoint to return all the open gaps associated with a patient, including their description and code.
- Vim will present these gaps to the end user, allowing them to address gaps when they are in front of the patient.
Feedback Endpoint:
- The final step in the flow involves the feedback endpoint.
- This endpoint allows for the updating of gap status on the customer's side after a user interaction with the gap.
- It is initiated by Vim once a gap is approved or dismissed by a user.
This documentation provides an in-depth understanding of the API integration process for Diagnosis Gaps and Care Gaps applications. Developers can refer to this guide to efficiently integrate their systems and leverage the functionalities offered by these applications.