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Care Gaps Response

ElementIs RequiredTypeDescriptionExample
Gap Display NameYesstringA desired display name for the gapControl High Blood Pressure
Gap IDYesstringA unique identifier of a gap across all patients1244324
Gap CodeNostringGap's code within the systemCBP
NotesNostringAdditional information to be displayed regarding the gapShould schedule yearly imaging
Gap StatusNostringThe gap's status. If not provided - default is that the gap is open and should be displayedOpen
Action RequiredNostringThe action that needs to be taken by the health care providerPerform & code B/P check. Controlled is BELOW 140/90. Take REPEAT if necessary.
Prior ValuesNostringPrior values for clinical tests or procedure resultsSystolic / Diastolic: [X/Y]
Collection DateNodateThe date where the prior values were documented2020-10-15
CPT II CodeNostringRecommended CPT II code associated with the gap3074F
CPT II DescriptionNostringRecommended CPT II description associated with the gap. If the description isn't provided, Vim will populate the official description from the American Medical Association.Most recent systolic BP less than 130 mm Hg
Last Recorded DoSNodateLast date of a relevant service in the case of HEDIS2021-03-19
Last Recorded NPINonumberLast coding provider NPI123456789
Last Recorded Provider NameNostringLast coding provider full nameDR John Mock
SourceNostringThe source of the gap2021 claims
NotesNostringAdditional information to be displayed regarding the gap. Can be instructions, follow up notes, coding suggestions etc.It's recommended to use category II codes claims for HEDIS

Diagnosis Gaps Response

ElementIs RequiredTypeDescriptionExample
Gap IDYesstring/numberA unique identifier of a gap per patient. Used for multiple purposes including: (1) reporting ; (2) status management - note: to resurface the gap after addressed, the diagnosis needs to be sent with a new gap ID1244324
HCC CodeYesnumberGap's code within the system18
HCC ModelNostringThe specific model for HCC, required if the Gap System is HCC, the default is CMSHHS-HCC
HCC Model VersionNostring (V24/V28)The specific model version for CMS-HCC. If not provided, the default is v2428
HCC DescriptionNostringThe title of the gap that would be displayed to the user. If not provided we would map the HCC code to its CMS standard descriptionDiabetes with chronic complications
Gap TypeNostringIs this a known condition or a suspected condition? This information will be presented in a label next to gap in the UISuspected
Gap StatusNostringThe gap's status. If not provided - default is that the gap is open and should be displayedOpen
RAF ScoreNonumberRisk adjustment factor2.65
ICD CodeNostringGap ICD-10 codeE11.21
ICD DescriptionNostringDescription for the provided ICD codeDM with nephropathy
Last Recorded DoSNodateLast recorded date of the diagnosis being coded by a provider2014-07-15
Last Recorded NPINostringLast coding provider NPI123456789
Last Recorded Provider NameNostringLast coding provider full nameWilliam Johnson
SourceNostringThe source of the gap2021 claims
NotesNostringAdditional information to be displayed regarding the gapShould schedule yearly imaging

Gaps Feedback Endpoint

patient - patientIDstringThe unique patient identifier sent from the customer.If the customer has more than one identifying field - all of them will be added to the payload (such as name, DOB, member ID, etc.)
User - organizationNamestringProvider’s (user in session) organization name
User - vimOrganizationIdnumberVim internal organization ID
User - userFirstNamestringProvider's (user in session) first name
User - userLastNamestringProvider's (user in session) last name
User - userNpistringProvider's (user in session) NPI, if available
User - ehrUsernamestringProvider's (user in session) EHR username
Gap - gapIdstringThe unique ID for a gap as shared by the customer
Gap - gapTypestring (options: "Dx" or "Qx")Application type - Diagnosis or Care Gaps.
Gap - gapSystemstringThe type of codes presented in the application, as shared by the user
Gap - gapCodestringThe code of the gap selected during the session (HEDIS/HCC)
Gap - gapDescriptionstringThe description of the gap selected during the session
Gap - selectedMedicalCodesArray of stringsWhen a gap was accepted - which medical codes were selected by the provider and written back to the EHR. ICD code for Diagnosis Gaps, CPT code for Care Gaps.
Feedback - encounterDateDateThe date of the patient EHR encounter in context (according to the organization's timezone, date format YYYY-MM-DD)
Feedback - actionTypestring (options: "agree" or "dismiss")The action the user selected to perform
Feedback - actionDatedateThe date of app interaction (date format YYYY-MM-DD)
Feedback - actionReasonstringThe reason is associated with the action, as chosen by the user
Feedback - additionalCommentsstringThe free text as added by the user when dismissing the gap